Monday, April 5, 2010

The Dream

Half awake, I vaguely registered the sound of books crashing to the floor. I thought I was just dreaming so I rolled over and tried to fall back asleep. Whispers from across the room prevented any sleep though so I sat up to request that they shut up and let me sleep, but as I was about to take a breath, the whispers became louder.

"Look what you did!" a voice hissed. It sounded female.

"Look what I did?" said another voice, deep and clearly male. "You knocked them over."

"I did not!" the female said. "It's your fault. You fix it!"

The male sighed heavily, and suddenly my room was filled with a bright, green light through which I made out two blurred outlines of the people talking. I was unable to see their faces before sleep overwhelmed me at last.


  1. Story blog? That's a rather cool idea

  2. thanks:D as i was making it, i changed my mind about the exaggeration of my life for some reason...

  3. You should still keep the exaggeration of your life, but put it into story format with elves pirates.... hahahh~

  4. lol. i can do that:) i like elves and pirates!

  5. I also enjoy the concept of having a blog story. I like where you are taking this, keep up the good work!!!

  6. WOW love this! i wanna read more. You have a natural tallent for writing with natural flow. I could picture the whole scene. :)


  7. You are definatly a great story teller Maddie.
